Transform complexity into confident action.
We help independent thinkers and compassionate leaders make invisible obstacles and opportunities visible – and actionable.
Systems oriented experience strategy to help you navigate uncertainty.
We infuse human centered experience strategy with systems thinking and complexity science to help you make more confident decisions, build more resilient organizations, and deliver more meaningful customer experiences.
Whether you need a...
more detailed map
stronger compass heading
or seasoned guide to lead the way...
We'll help you make progress on your journey.
Improving experiences and outcomes, for businesses and people.
Learning, Enablement, & Facilitation
Creating connective tissue and empowering organizational dynamics that encourage desirable change to emerge
Strategy Playbooks & Action Plans
Translating solution concepts and vision frameworks into concrete tactics and actionable roadmaps for implementation
Experience Maps & Blueprints
Visualizing experiences, unmet needs, relationships, value flows, system influences, behaviors, and business opportunities
Behavioral Archetypes & Personas
Building deeper understanding of the people you serve and how to meet them where they are via research and codesign
Collaborating with organizations and people who want to make things better.
Health & Wellbeing
Improving health care experiences for patients, caregivers, providers, and staff
Driving sustainable therapeutic adherence and healthy behavior change
Learning & Growth
Improving learning experiences for students, employees, & customers
Facilitating more resilient teams and adaptable organizations
Improving employee experiences & enabling more authentic leadership
Designing systems that better connect people to the resources they need
Connect with us.
Want to learn more about Topology? Have a complex challenge you’re looking to tackle? Tell us about it and we’ll find time to connect.